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Three Different Types Of AI That Can Help Your Small Business

AI has made headlines over the last few years, and it may make you think of robots uprising against their human overlords, but the technology is much different from this. AI can be a handy tool for business, no matter how big or small they are. Below are some ways that AI can help your small business grow and take it to another level, leaving your competitors behind.

Different Types Of AI

It makes it much easier to understand what AI can do for your business if we break it down into three ways to help your business grow. We can do this by putting AI into three categories, which are:

  • Process Automation – You can use AI to automate processes that a human previously did, and it can take care of the tedious and mundane tasks. You can automate systems in accounts, customer service, stock control, and many different aspects of your company to streamline your operation and make it more efficient.
  • Cognitive Insight – You can also use AI to make predictions to help streamline your business, and this can be used in things such as stock control make sure replacement products are ordered before they are needed. You can also use it to identify opportunities, automate digital ads, and help to identify fraud.
  • Cognitive Engagement – Cognitive engagement is where the AI engages users in replacing a human and can chat, answer questions, and offer advice on services or products. If you have a chat facility on your website, the AI can talk to users and alert a human to take over and speak to the customer if required.

The Benefits Of Using AI For Your Business

When you use an AI software development company to enhance and streamline your business, it can offer many benefits. You can help reduce your employees’ time on mundane tasks, freeing up their time to concentrate on other aspects of your business. It can also help to reduce your overall costs and increase the results and profitability of your company. It can also help your company become more flexible and responsive to customers, enhancing the service you provide, and you can also use it to reduce your risks.

AI is here to stay, and the sooner your company adopts this technology, the sooner you can reap the benefits. If you want to see how your business can benefit from using AI, contact your local specialist today and let them show you how the technology of the future can help your business today.

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